Brookeridge Homeowners Association

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  • Earth Day 2023

Please note that the primary email address for each household is responsible for registering for BHA events. Please do not create a new account for this purpose. One account per household. If you do not know the primary email for your location, please contact us at

Earth Day 2023

  • 22 Apr 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Registration is closed

Come join your fellow Brookeridge neighbors for this annual event. Grab some free coffee and donuts, and help us clean up litter and debris in some of the common areas.  The plan is to pick a location, grab a trash bag, take a walk and pick up any garbage you notice. 

  • WHAT:  Help clean up the neighborhood
  • WHEN:  Saturday April 22nd -- Rain or Shine
  • Time:    9:00am

This year there will be two meeting places: 


  • Tot Lot Park at Mallard Landing (coordinator: Deb Coomer at 630-926-2671 or

Feel free to direct any questions about this event to the coordinators listed above or to

Brookeridge Homeowners Association (c) 2022 
8554 Main Street, Downers Grove, Illinois 60516
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