Brookeridge Homeowners Association

Brookeridge Classifieds

The rules: This is a Brookeridge Community forum. Ad postings are free to paid BHA members. All items must be located in Brookeridge. Ads stay active for 60 days or until we are notified that the item is sold or otherwise no longer available.  Items should include a concise description, offer price, phone and/or email contact info, and (ideally) at least one photo of the item. Email your submission to We will notify you via email when your ad is posted, typically within a few days. If you want to terminate the ad or want to extend the ad at its expiration, please reply to your original confirmation email.  If you are happy with the results of your ad, please consider making a small donation to BHA at this link.

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Brookeridge Homeowners Association (c) 2022 
8554 Main Street, Downers Grove, Illinois 60516
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