Brookeridge Homeowners Association

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  • 11th Annual Brookeridge Fly-In

Please note that the primary email address for each household is responsible for registering for BHA events. Please do not create a new account for this purpose. One account per household. If you do not know the primary email for your location, please contact us at

11th Annual Brookeridge Fly-In

  • 10 Sep 2022
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

11th Annual Brookeridge Fly/Drive-In is Saturday, Sept. 10th from 10am to 3pm. Please plan to attend the fly-in and invite your friends and family! Also, the Rusty Pilot Seminar is back this year and free to AOPA members. The seminar fulfills the ground training requirements of a flight review.  Register for Rusty Pilots at  See the flyer below for details.

This event is not possible without an army of volunteers.  We need your help!  Volunteers should contact 

Brookeridge Homeowners Association (c) 2022 
8554 Main Street, Downers Grove, Illinois 60516
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